
Changin' ain't easy

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
- Socrates

Change is tough. 

I am in a season of change, and I have to admit, it ain't easy. I have grown to accept the fact that change is hard for me. It is something that I try to avoid. And as I sit here, and really challenge myself to admit why I am so resistant towards change, I realize that the answer is pretty simple.

Fear of the unknown.

I am a very detailed person. Once I have a routine, and a flow, I embrace and love it. Knowing what to expect, in every area of my life (with the occasional hiccup) gives me a sense peace. 

The last few months have been filled with the unknown, which is quite uncomfortable. 

Change: to make or become different

In a few months I will be celebrating my first year of marriage. This is an obvious change in my life. Every day I am learning something new. The beautiful encounters my husband and I face are uncontrolled. I am changing into a better wife. I have learned that marriage is all about change. It is no longer about you and your wants and needs, but all about your spouse and their wants and needs. I am (with the help of God) becoming selfless.

Now that is change.

Not only will I be celebrating a year of marriage, but I am also going back to school. For those of you who don't know, working and keeping up a home are two jobs already. The  thought of adding something else to my plate makes me feel uneasy. 

Will I have enough time to spend with my husband? Will work, homework, and my home keep me so busy that I won't have time to enjoy life? Can you hear the panic as you read?

And last but not least..

I have decided to embrace my calling. That is  a BIG change. I have spent 13 years running from what was spoken over my life. As mentioned in my previous blog (Relax Your Mind and Let Your Conscious Be Free) my conscious has kept me comfortable, and too aware of what others think of me. Fully accepting all that God has for me has to be the biggest, and scariest change. 

Although I know God would never give me more than I can handle, the fear of walking out onto the water had me in a place where I was unwilling to leave (change) my comfortable walk in life, and truly let go. I am now willing to change that part of me that wants to hold on, and have control. 

When I came across this quote, my outlook on change shifted. 

I have realized that for my whole life I was fearful of change because I was looking at it all wrong. I was focusing all of my energy, and all of my attention on fighting the urge to remain in my comfort zone, not taking any risks. All along I should have been focusing all of my attention on building the new. 

Change is a beautiful thing.

No matter what comes my way (yours too) lets agree to dare to be adventurous. To not let the unknown cripple us, and to embrace change like it's the latest fashion trend.

We are called to go from faith to faith, and from glory to glory. I want to encourage you, as I encourage myself to embrace change. To focus on all the good that can come from it, and trust that the end result to every change, is a beautiful encounter. 


There's Got To Be More To Life

“There is not one big cosmic meaning for all; there is only 
the meaning we each give to our life, an individual meaning, an individual plot, like an individual novel, a book for each person.”
― Anaïs NinThe Diary of Anaïs Nin 

Oh hello there. 

As I sit here on this beautiful afternoon I can't help but think about life. I mean as far as I know, your late twenties are a period in life where you spend a lot of time pondering your current situation, and your future. So I'm guessing that this does't sound like a foreign habit to most. 

But let me get more specific.

You see, I am a young woman (25 years young) who is in school , working,  and recently married. Although that may seem like the American Dream to some, I find myself unsatisfied. 

Let me make something clear.

I am grateful for the amazing life that God has given me, and wouldn't change the path that brought me here. But now that I am here, my brain can not help but wonder where the next stage of my life will take me. 

I can not fight the craving to break free from this mundane life of mine. I know that I am called, and destined to do great things in this world. I can literally feel it in my bones. Prophesies have confirmed this, which makes me look down at my watch and wonder when will the time come?

And a side note.

I will never deny that part of where this urgency comes from, is from social media selfies of those walking in their calling, and being all that they were made to be, in their twenties. 

Which is why I love the above quote.

We are all made for a purpose greater than we know. Designed and destined to chase after all that God has for us. Every single person, including me, has a specific meaning to their life. We are all an individual novel. Which means I should probably stop comparing my life to selfies. 

That might be a good idea.

Through my thinking, sweating, and nail biting, I am reminded of a bible scripture that put my heart at ease.  

I have it all planned out- plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
Jeremiah 29:11

And this was my get it girl, get it moment. God has a plan me for, for us, and he calls us higher and deeper. He has it all planned out. He wants to give us HOPE for the future! 

So how do we calm our worrying minds and tune into God's plans?

Well as I think about this question with you, the answer seems pretty clear. Although it is not as easy peasy as I would like it to be.

If a friend said she had a way to make you $1,000 a day, I'm sure you (we) would be in contact with her daily.

Now to for me, finding my calling, and meaning in life is worth more than $1,000 a day. So how much more should we chase after conversations with God? This my friends is the answer!

There is more to life, and that is found through Jesus Christ, the one who gives us hope for the future.

And suddenly my heart is at ease. I am making a commitment to seek God. His plans for me are better than any plans I can make for myself. The best is always yet to come while seeking his will, rather than trying to figure things out on my own.


What an amazing feeling to receive insight. There is nothing like a fresh cup of wisdom.  & I pray that as insightful as this was to me, that it would also be a fresh breath of air to your lungs.

Cheers to fresh vision, & and the realization that there IS more. 

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