
Positive Parenting

I have been thinking a lot about passing on positive vibes to Jaxen. I recently returned back to school, and being that my major is Children and Youth Studies, the topic of the emotional state of our children is something that is discussed daily. I am sure that we all are aware that our state of mind definitely affects our little ones, but I couldn't help but think of those very real moments that it is extremely hard to be positive.

I'm sure you all said amen for that one. You know, when it's only 1 am but its actually the 7th time that your child woke up to breastfeed. Or how about when you finally get them down for a nap, pour a glass of wine, and turn on Netflix, just to hear a loud yell coming from the next room? How can we stay positive in these moments?

I'm glad you asked. Here are 5 steps to keep your cool and remain positive

Positive Parenting 101

1. Let go of expectations

If there is one thing that I have learned in relationships, it is that expectations leave room for disappointment. It is definitely hard to remain positive when you're experiencing disappointment. Lets kiss expectations goodbye, and go with the flow, that way our state of mind is not disrupted when things don't go as we expect. So the next time you put baby down for a nap with plans to sip some wine and catch up on Netflix, you wont be so disheartened when he or she wakes up as soon as your butt hits the sofa.

2. Search for the good

It is so easy to see and focus on the negative. There are many things that happen during the day that can throw us over the edge. Baby fell down again, had a poop explosion, or ripped up that important document that you needed to fax within the next few minutes. Although these events can become so stressful that they cause a vein pop, there is still good to be found in each situation. Baby may have fell, but thank God they are still alive and healthy. Yes, this is the forth blowout this week, but there are children who struggle in that area. I'm sure their parents would kill to clean up a blowout. And although that paper is ripped to pieces, it can be reprinted, and baby didn't swallow the document. 

I have found that finding the good in every situations helps me to remain positive. 

3. Take a moment for yourself

The day can be pretty chaotic. Running around, changing diapers, cooking dinner, going to work or school. Chaos does not leave space for positive vibes. It is ok and necessary to take a moment for yourself. Even if that moment is in the bathroom, looking in the mirror, and speaking positive affirmations over yourself and the day.This time is necessary. When you take the time to reboot, you allow yourself to let go of the negative and dance back into your positive space.

4. Live in the now

Negativity is pretty sneaky. Something as simple as not living in the moment can allow negativity to enter your home. Instead of thinking of all the things you wish you could do, or would rather be doing, focus on the joys of the now. Whatever moment that you are in, you will not have the opportunity to live in again.  So the text message, the social media, the overwhelming thought of what you will cook later, and the cleaning that you need to do can wait. The now is more important.

5. Find  community

It is so important to have others who are in the same walk of life as you to talk to. There is nothing like relating with others. Its calming and refreshing to know that others are experiencing the same situations as you because it is so easy to think that you're in this alone. When I find myself falling into a negative space, things like mommy and me classes, or visiting my sister in love and nephew are what brings me back to a positive space. Positive vibes increase when you find people that are there for you, and willing to walk with you.

I hope these 5 tips to positive parenting help you to be the best parent that you can be!

xx Jo


The Key To Life

“After looking at the way things are on this earth, here’s what I’ve decided is the best way to live: Take care of yourself, have a good time, and make the most of whatever job you have for as long as God gives you life. And that’s about it. That’s the human lot. Yes, we should make the most of what God gives, both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it, accepting what’s given and delighting in the work. It’s God’s gift! God deals out joy in the present, the now. It’s useless to brood over how long we might live.”
Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 MSG

Instant conviction. You see most of the time I am far from living in and enjoying the moment.  I'm pretty sure I spend 99% of the day dreaming about tomorrow. My thought process looks a little something like this;

" When I graduate, and get a good job, I can't wait to move. I'll get this car, Jax will be old enough to go to this school. Tomorrow I need to edit that blog. Saturday I need to go to the grocery store. I can't wait to finish school. What's for dinner? Am I done with school yet?" 

Talk about not living in the moment! I'm pretty sure most of you can agree with me. Our minds are naturally running and thinking about what's to come. 

But how can we learn to live in the moment?

In the opening scripture, Solomon gives us some tips. I am trying to embed these tips in my heart and mind. Let's jump right in! 

After looking at the way things are on this earth, here’s what I’ve decided is the best way to live: Take care of yourself, have a good time, and make the most of whatever job you have for as long as God gives you life. And that’s about it. That’s the human lot.

Take Care Of Yourself. Have A Good Time. Have you ever met someone who could have a good time with any circumstance given to them? Maybe you are that person, and if you aren't I'm sure you can't think of someone who pretty much lives for the moment. I don't think it's a coincidence that take care of yourself and have a good time are listed back to back. 

When we think of taking care of ourselves, our minds probably go right to things like a massage, manicure, a haircut, or buying ourselves something nice. 

We need to consider adding living in the moment, and having a good time to that list! 

When we choose to live in the moment, and enjoy whatever is happening we are in return taking care of ourselves. We are pushing the stress and worries of tomorrow out the door and welcoming in peace, and happiness. 

Now for some of you, the next part struck a nerve. Make the most of my job? MY job? I know you can come up with 10,000 reasons not to make the most of your job. And for all of you out there holding down a household, I know that can be overwhelming and stressful too. 

I believe that Solomon knew how tough jobs can be, no matter what you do in life, that is why he took the time to remind us to enjoy what we do. We can't possibly enjoy our jobs, no matter what they are, if we aren't living in the moment. Let's try to live a life where we find joy in what we do, I believe it's more about having an attitude of gratitude. Let's make the most of what we have! 

Yes, we should make the most of what God gives, both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it, accepting what’s given and delighting in the work. It’s God’s gift! God deals out joy in the present, the now. It’s useless to brood over how long we might live.”

Delighting: take great pleasure in.

We should take great pleasure in what God has given us. Our home, our kids, our jobs, our cars, our friends, our family, OUR LIFE! 


God deals out joy in the PRESENT, THE NOW
God deals out joy in the PRESENT, THE NOW
God deals out joy in the PRESENT, THE NOW 

Have you been lacking joy? Chances are you aren't living in and appreciating the now! (and guys trust me as I type these words are slapping me in the face, no judgment here.) 

So, friends, as I am growing and learning, and as I challenge myself, I want to challenge you guys too!! 

This is obviously not an overnight change, but we can start somewhere. 

• Take care of yourself (by having a good time) 
• Make the most of your job
• Take great pleasure in what God has given us 
• Live in the PRESENT 
• Live in the NOW 

that's the KEY TO LIFE 

xx Jo

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